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Hearing loss probably isn’t something you’ve thought about if you’re relatively young and otherwise healthy. New parents learn of their newborn’s hearing test after birth, and most people are aware of age-related hearing loss, but other than that most people just have the mentality that it doesn’t affect them.

But if you’ve been getting frustrated at your family members for mumbling or not talking clearly, or if you’ve been told that you listen to the TV or your music too loud, you may surprised to find out that the problem might not be with the mumblers and the volume- complainers - it’s with your hearing.

No matter your age, consider these reasons that you should get a hearing test to keep your ears working properly:

  • Hearing loss could be a warning sign of a more serious problem, such as an ear infection, abnormal bone growth, or even a tumor.
  • Hearing tests do not take long, and you can even take a free hearing test online to get a basic idea of your hearing function.
  • Hearing loss is usually treatable, but early intervention means a more successful treatment
  • Because hearing loss is often associated with aging, you should get an annual hearing check as an adult to detect any degeneration over time.
  • Hearing loss can have serious implications on other aspects of life, including earning potential, social involvement, and mental health
  • According to Mayo clinic, those with hearing loss often suffer from depression and anxiety
  • Hearing loss can also put stress on relationships through frustrating communication, misunderstandings, and misinterpreted tones
  • There is a strong link between cognitive decline and hearing loss, associated with the inability to participate in social activities or conversations
  • Hearing loss can be dangerous, especially if you’re unable to hear the sounds around you meant to keep you safe, like sirens.

Despite the benefits of annual hearing exams and early intervention, several people just don’t prioritize it in their lives, even though they may be suffering from it. Most adults get annual check-ups or physical exams for other areas of their bodies, so why should our ears be neglected? Knowing the warning signs and symptoms of hearing loss may help you realize if it could be responsible for some issues you’re dealing with, and motivate you to get your hearing checked regularly. Read through some of these symptoms of hearing loss that could be present in your life to give you a better idea of the necessity of having your hearing tested:

  • You’ve continually been exposed to loud noise, or exposed once to an explosive noise
  • You cannot follow a conversation with more than 2 people
  • You get frustrated with people for mumbling or speaking too softly
  • Conversations around or including you sound muffled
  • Crowded places cause confusion or difficulty focusing
  • You hear ringing in your ears
  • You shy away from social situations to avoid conversation
  • You have diabetes
  • Women and children’s voices are hard to hear or understand
  • You have a family history of hearing loss
  • You get stressed trying to listen to others talk
  • Your don’t enjoy social gatherings like you once did

Test your hearing today using the free online hearing test, and make sure to schedule your annual hearing exam with a doctor to monitor your ear health just as you would every other aspect of your health.

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  • Get to Know You & Understand Your Symptoms
  • Discuss Your Treatment Goals & Medical History
  • Determine Your Stage of Hearing Loss or Tinnitus
  • Answer All of Your Questions or Concerns
  • Begin a Custom Treatment Plan
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