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Hearing Care Treatment in Sterling, MA

Bring Music Back Into Your Life With Our State-of-the-Art Hearing Care

Our audiology team at Hearing Brain Centers of New England understands the negative effects that hearing loss can create. We strive to offer you the most advanced and effective audiological treatments available today, including hearing aidshearing loss rehabilitation, tinnitus treatment, and hearing care near Sterling, MA. Our goal is to help you restore your hearing clarity and eliminate the sense of isolation that hearing loss can cause.

Since 1992, our expert hearing doctors have helped over 10,000 patients like you with their hearing loss and hearing-related conditions. Patients of Hearing Brain Centers of New England enjoy our extensive experience, state-of-the-art treatment technology, and compassionate approach in providing excellent hearing care. Visit Hearing Brain Centers of New England and find out for yourself why we consistently receive 5-star reviews from our patients. For award-winning hearing care near Sterling, MA, call (508) 753-8155 today.

Reducing Risk of Dementia

Are you experiencing hearing problems? We recommend that you come to our office as soon as possible to help avoid more serious health issues down the road. Those with hearing loss are 200% more likely to develop dementia than those who have no hearing problems. Your hearing issues may include turning the tv or radio up too high for your own hearing; asking others to repeat themselves often; trouble hearing in background noise; or trouble hearing in the car. If you are experiencing any of these issues, please contact our office so our professional doctors can help you combat dementia with modern hearing technology.

Improving Cognitive Function

Cognitive function is a key contributor to hearing properly. If you are experiencing issues with your cognitive function, it will lead to difficulty comprehending conversations. This is not something that that will get better on its own. We recommend contacting our office so that our experienced audiologists can provide you with the cognitive rehabilitation that you need. Let us help you hear correctly and improve your quality of life.

Restoring Hearing Clarity

Brain function is what allows us to hear correctly. That’s why we recommend NeuroTechnology™ to many of our patients. NeuroTechnology™ is a discreet hearing aid that targets brain function specifically to help you hear correctly. This technology has unique features such as noise-cancellation, surround sound, soft-speech booster, Bluetooth connectivity to your smart device, and enhanced clarity. Talk to our audiologist to learn more about how NeuroTechnology™ may revolutionize your hearing ability.

Tinnitus Treatment

If you often have a persistent buzzing, rushing, or ringing sound in your ears, then you most likely have a common condition known as tinnitus. Although anyone can develop tinnitus, it most often occurs in 75% of people who have hearing loss. Currently, there is no cure for tinnitus, but there are treatment options. Contact our office to see how our expert audiologists can treat and even reduce your tinnitus with FDA-approved tinnitus therapy options.

Invisible Hearing Aids

Hearing aids don’t have to be at the forefront of your ear for everyone to see. With new advances in technology, hearing aids have become less visible than ever. Invisible hearing aids sit inside of your ear canal, discreetly improving hearing clarity and brain function. They also come with unique benefits such as extended wear, convenience for daily activities, natural sound quality, connectivity to your smart devices, and zero interference with glasses or using your phone. Ask our expert audiologists how this innovative technology may help improve your hearing.

Hearing Loss Rehabilitation

Do you have hearing loss? If so, it is best to have your hearing loss treated as soon as possible to avoid more serious issues down the road. Untreated hearing loss can lead to problems such as mental fatigue after speaking with someone; avoidance of social gatherings; impaired memory or forgetfulness; reduced interaction with friends or family; decreased job performance; and feelings of anxiety, stress, embarrassment, or depression. Our audiologists can effectively treat your hearing loss with hearing loss rehabilitation. This treatment will not only improve your hearing abilities but also help you avoid more serious issues.

Hearing Protection Devices

If your profession or activity requires you to work in noisier environments, then you may want to consider hearing protection devices. Devices like SoundGear can help you maintain the healthy hearing level that is crucial for your safety and overall performance. Hearing protection devices are often utilized by hunters, shooters, military, industrial workers, and police officers. See our expert audiologists to learn more about how hearing protection devices like SoundGear can help you in your activity or profession.

What to Expect on Your First Visit
  • Get to Know You & Understand Your Symptoms
  • Discuss Your Treatment Goals & Medical History
  • Determine Your Stage of Hearing Loss or Tinnitus
  • Answer All of Your Questions or Concerns
  • Begin a Custom Treatment Plan
Hearing and Brain Centers are America's Highest Rated Hearing and Tinnitus Health Care Offices
Watch This Video to Hear About Real Life Transformations
The reviews listed are from actual patients of Hearing & Brain Centers of New England. Individual results may vary. Reviews are not claimed to represent results for everyone.
(508) 753-8155 Hearing & Brain Centers of New England 102 Shore Dr, Worcester, MA, 01605 Get Directions
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