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Determining the right hearing aid for your needs can seem overwhelming—there are several different styles to choose from. Your level of hearing loss and desired appearance play a large role in the style that will work best for your lifestyle. Here are 4 styles of hearing aids to consider.

1. Behind the Ear

Behind the ear is perhaps the most traditional style of hearing aid on the market. This style consists of a customized earpiece connected to a tube that fits over the ear. While it is one of the most visible options available, the behind the ear hearing aid is an excellent choice for all ages and can accommodate any level of hearing loss, from mild to severe.

2. Receiver in the Canal or Receiver in the Ear

Much like the behind the ear model, hearing aids with the receiver in the ear consist of a receiver or speaker in the ear with a piece that hooks behind your ear. What sets this style apart is the tiny wire that connects the two pieces together, making this hearing aid less visible than its counterpart.

3. Invisible in the Ear

Best for use in patients with mild to moderate hearing loss, in the canal hearing aids are custom molded to fit perfectly within your ear. These are an excellent step between the behind the ear model and one that’s smaller and completely within the ear canal. While it is slightly visible still, this model is large enough to accommodate a battery that can sustain a longer life.

Completely in the canal hearing aids are the smallest hearing aids available on the market. Offering the least visibility, these hearing aids are too small to offer extra features or house a very big battery. This hearing aid is the least likely to pick up on wind noise, and is an excellent fit if you have mild to moderate hearing loss.

4. Open Fit

The open fit is a lot like the behind the ear hearing aid in style, but with the added feature of keeping your ear canal open enough to allow you to hear low frequency sounds naturally. Because of its open fit, this hearing aid makes voices and other noises sound better than most hearing aids. It’s a good fit for people with mild to moderate hearing loss, and does tend to be less visible than traditional behind the ear styles.

Finding the Best Fit for You

Knowing your level of hearing loss and your preferred fit can make choosing a hearing aid easy. From Oticon to Widex, and Starkey to Lyric, at Hearing & Balance Centers of New England, we can help you find the hearing aid that’s right for you.

Contact us to learn more about the hearing aids we carry, and purchase your hearing aid today.

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